Friday, December 30, 2011


Leaving for China and HK today! 

To any chums reading this, see you soon in Jan! Going to miss quite a few people here. Sydney really is not Shitney, I quite like it. 

Leaving you with a lovely photo, since China has the Great Firewall against FB etc. Keep cool guys and stay safe! :) xx

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


So there are 11 days until Christmas and I am finally feeling just a leetle excited! Hehehe.

Methinks a major factor in this has been setting up the Christmas tree. This is said tree:

These trees hold many special memories for me. As my friends will know, from endless repetition, my favourite is probably when a certain friend was videotaped running and crashing into such a tree. Anyways so we use the same decorations, etc etc, and they include a pair of little Santas.

Over the years, my brother and I have grown to know them as the evil Santas. This will show you why:

Evil Santa #1:

Evil Santa #2:

As you can tell, E.S.#1 is significantly creepier, mainly as he lacks the normal white sclera of his eyes..

But creepy small men aside, holidays have been pretty awesome. Looking forward to imminent hanging with friends, usual catch ups, family holidays, HK (!!) etc. Etc etc eetcccc

Feeling silly and sensing a great aversion to work. Three (and many) cheers for holidays! Hurrah!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Good holiday feeling continues. Currently listening to Coldplay. Felt random pangs of happiness today. When I was organising my Foundations notes (haha), when I was reading a friend's blog, when attempting to work out. The photo looks a bit bleak to be in this post, but hey, there's a bit of blue sky in the corner :) 

Yeah...there's a nagging feeling to start stuff now rather than later though, which is why I have reluctantly dragged myself to sort through the mountain of paper and crap on my desk. I've also been cleaning up, was rewarded by finding $3 behind my drawer (and a dead roach...yumm. I swear my room is clean now. Don't be revolted! :( ). 

Peace out! Looking forward to a pair of free boots that won't fall apart like Chinese newspaper!