Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Monk's key

Went to orientation for unsw med today! Afterwards went to city pepperlunch with luyi, kt, talked to some people along the way, went home ate hotpot blabla. 

Watched Tropfest Australia winner just then...I think it mentions dogs and cats? Not sure. But yeah it's kinda catchy. BABOON! 


And my favourite part..MONKEY - and they showed a picture of a monk and a key. That pretty much topped off my day haha. 

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chubby 3 year old

Heyo! Earlier this year (15/01/2011) I made a sketch of my child self from a photo in the Gold Coast. Yeah I was really bored..so this was when I was about 3 and a bit chubby: 

 Pencil sketch: 

 I realised after my head looks a little bit malformed, and I seemed to have subconsciously slimmed my face..but ah well. Anyway today I decided to experiment a bit. I scanned the sketch and printed it out and tried to paint over it. Actually I thought it wouldn't work very well because I have an inkjet printer and if you put water on it, the ink will blur and go all greeny-coloured (so I tried not to use too much water in the paint). 

But I got a pleasant surprise when I started painting my hair blue. The little water I used did blur the ink and make it greeny yellow but it blended in nicely with the blue and looked like highlights, so I kept it haha. 

I know these pics are nearly identical but I couldn't choose lol. 

Sorry pic quality is a bit dodgy. I'll get a new camera...somewhere in the near future haha. And...that's basically what I did all day. I did eat a Drumstick icecream and I enjoyed it, but that probably isn't very interesting. I probably need to get out more lol.. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

I want a pet crow

As you can see below, last night I got a little excited about putting banana animations on the site. But seriously! The first animation to ever touch this blog surely deserves a little recognition..even if it is a two inch tall pixellated dancing banana :) and it is a bit distracting.. I mean it's going to be dancing for all eternity until I delete it or something haha. 

Anyways, nuffin much happening. I'm a good way into Metamorphosis (Franz Kafka). It's so utterly different from what I usually read..kind of like a collection of thoughts and weird stories. Like when I first read Metamorphosis I was like hm..ok so he turns into a giant insect, just accept it. 

Some of the images he creates in the stories I've read so far are pretty awesome though. Like in 'The Aeroplanes of Brescia' he ends with an image of an aeroplane climbing so high, 'his position can only be fixed by the stars, which will soon show in the sky that is already darkening'. I like that image of an ever-climbing plane..as opposed to my writing about bananas. (But seriously!) 

So although some of the stories are really weird, I think it's one of those books that keeps getting better as you read them more often. Well, you get more meaning/understanding out of it, yall know? 

Have to go to an appointment soon. I can hear those indian mynas squawking outside..those brown birds with the yellow things around their eyes. Lol I remember doing a report on them as 'pests' in geo..apparently they're territorial and so get rubbish and stuff it into potential nesting holes so native birds can't use them. Anyways they keep standing close to the backyard window and looking into the house haha. Suspicious...

Wishing for a pet crow or raven that would sit on my shoulder.. that would be pretty cool. 

Pic from pencilandleaf.blogspot

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tribute to the Dancing Banana


HOMG IT MOVES!!!!!! HOMG...i swear new discovery...IT'S ALIVE! HARHAR

Wassup! I just got a blood test about 15 minutes ago and it has been a v interesting experience. 

1. Got to see my own blood! It was in two biggish test tube vials and one smaller one. Haha I have never seen so much of my own blood ever. It was a lot darker red than I would imagine..like concentrated syrupy wine or reddish Ribena. Yum! 

And that's about it really. The needle hurt as I expected but the nurse was pretty much a pro and she was just like 'jab'..wait about 10s as my blood drains out into three tubes..bandaid, done. 

The most painful injection I've had so far is gum injections...lol what made it even more weird is that I personally know the dentist who did it, who is my sister's friend and daughter of the GP I mentioned yesterday, who is like a family GP. It was like: 

Checkup - Dentist: Hmm...you have too much gum on one of your back teeth. I'm going to cut it out right now. 

Me: ... ok 

Dentist: *pulls out really big needle* Yeah so you're going to feel a big 'pinch' alright. *injects 

Me: *suffering in silence* 

And then she injected me with a smaller needle and poked at my gum with some sort of tool and asked if I could feel it. I said yeah, kinda and so she shot me again with the big needle haha.

But yeah now they're going to do all sorts of interesting tests on my blood, such as tests for Hep B and C, igG levels? etc. Hopefully they'll say what blood type I am as well because I don't really actually know lol. 

Am going to have a driving lesson later this arvo, and I can't play Just Dance 2 because you're meant to rest your arm after tests :P. Sigh...

One of my absolute favourite parts in Hot Fuzz (didn't show the whole awesome scene though :( ) 


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Swans, pigs and spaghetti

I went to the GP today to sort out immunisation issues for uni, and he gave me a booster tetanus shot :( yes, I am a slight coward when it comes to needles. Also watched Hot Fuzz yesterday because Civic Video didn't have T2...(fo shame!) and I now have a newfound awareness of living statues and scary swans. 


Actually I already knew swans are scary..have you seen the black swans at Bicentennial Park?? They just come up to you..plus they hiss and they have long necks like snakes. 

Defenceless old man! Those swans just won't cut him some slack. It looks humungous as well..there must be steroids in the bread they eat or something :[ 

HAHA actually I was just struck by a mental image of Yeats being attacked by 'nine and fifty swans'..poor Yeats. Or: 

Q: Why were there not 30 pairs of swans travelling 'lover by lover' in Yeats' poem, only 59 swans? 

A: Not because it symbolises the fundamental flaws of humanity or his own utter loneliness, but because one had gone and attacked Yeats. HAHAHA

I also finished Animal Farm today. It is a very good book, but it wasn't exactly the best mood lifter. :P Curse those pigs! 

Furthermore went to the city today to meet up with Amak, Kt and Jessica, who just returned yesterday from an awesome kickass trip to China, Korea, etc etc. I hadn't seen her in a month so it was awesome but weird but weird in a good way to see her again :D. 

I totally miss bumming frequently at friends' houses..those kinds of occasions when you eat whatever and watch movies and talk etc. It sucks but it's probably inevitable that I won't get to see them as much during uni :( 

Other random things, got to see Kt all decked out in business gear. She looks pretty high rollery already haha. Also bumped into two people I kind of knew while waiting at Woolies. It's a small world ey ;) 

Man I need something to lift the incredibly flat mood I'm in..spaghetti with pitted olives is helping a bit..nomnomnomdinner. 

Adios, amigos..

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Ping Pong

"There's no killer app I haven't run
At Pascal, well, I'm number 1
Do vector calculus just for fun
I ain't got a gat but I gotta soldering gun

Happy days is my favourite theme song
I can sure kick your butt in a game of ping pong
I'll ace any trivia quiz you bring on
I'm fluent in Java Script as well as Klingon" 



Monday, February 14, 2011


Terminator 2 - This always gets me smiling: 


Also, the part when John starts to cry and the Terminator says: "Vat is wrong wid your eyes?"

dollean glay

Happy Valentines Day to everyone, and to you too Ben Barnes :) 

I watched the trailer for 2009 Dorian Gray, and oh boy..it was pretty boring, despite the fact that it is Ben Barnes and everything. There's a thumping drum beat which is meant to sound epic but it was rather sleep-inducing... 

Plus a friend said that he had a "bum chin" in the poster which I can't stop noticing now haha.

Behold the bum chin! Magnificent.

Uni is in exactly 2 weeks now as well!!!! Man..not sure what to expect..holy macaroni :0 


I keep finding myself writing these posts earlier and earlier in the morning as well lol. I like being awake early though..it has a certain freshness :) 

Right now I've just finished a fried egg on grainy toast, with the yolk runny to ensure the egg is at maximum awesome tasting power.I am also looking at pics of Henry Cavill and Ben Barnes because I am a bit of a creeper like that, but really: 


:D enough said. 

May your day be full of love!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Mint, lemons, ribs and men

Am currently attempting to redesign my page, but I'm not the most computer savvy person so I will have to ring Annie later and ask her how to do this, haha. 

No strange dreams last night, but I did start reading Perfume! Personally, if I could combine all these scents into an ultimate perfume, I would: 

- Mint 
- Buttered popcorn 
- Lemon and lime
- That roasted nut smell from that shop Nutorious in QVB...ah everytime I walk past there it's like 10s of drool... 
- That human smell, like clean clothes, animal sort of smell. Haha I sound like a creeper. 
- Men's perfume. 
- BBQ smell, for example ribs from Hurricanes...mmm numnum. 

 Yeah...I could walk around smelling like meat, mint, lemons and men. 8) Tasty! 

And the man is Henry Cavill...mm heehee. 

Considering it's still morning, haven't done much yet. I think I will work out on Just Dance 2 later. It's an awesome game..and probably the only wii/console game I will ever beat someone at. Too many times where my 10 year old brother has thrashed me in MarioKart, Wii Sports, etc etc etc sigh. 

In this past week, other things I have done when not going out with friends, having a social life etc include: 
- Attempting to curl my hair and burning my finger
- Making origami whoo cool 
- Reading books I've been putting off for about 3 years, such as North and South which really drags on..blabla
- Watching clips from Terminator 

And my brother came up with a wonderful cheerleader chant, I think it went like: 

"We can do it, bla bla bla! 
You can win it, la la la!"  

Hahaha what a cool kid. Farewell for now!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

first 60 seconds

I made this site in about 60 seconds, and I was going to name it pootles.blogspot cos it sounded funny but I thought it might have some sort of bad innuendo with the whole pootles thing. 
But hello! Ciao! Tag! Muchos gracias! 


There's a first time for everything, aka making a strange blog. But I wanted to talk about 3 of the weirdest dreams I've had, because personally this is interesting to me and heehee, I've never written anything like this. 

1. Recurring dream: I was at my old primary school with my dad and everything was lit up in a greenish light. There was this guy from Saddle Club (HAHA) on the roof of the girls' toilets and when he saw, he was like: 'This place is dangerous! Get out!' 

Then, cos dreams are like this, some zombies appeared and they started tickling (?) my dad. When I tried to defend him they turned on me with their horrendous tickling powers, and my dad ran away and left me there. 

This is hilarious. I'm sniggering as I write this.. 

As for numbers 2 and 3, they're probably too long to write. But there was one where I was chased by dancing green skeletons to a tennis court and I hid in a rubbish bin with my family lol. Not weird at all. 

As for daytime matters, didn't do much today. I did buy four awesome books with vouchers: 
1. Animal Farm, Orwell 

2. Perfume: Story of a Murderer 

3. Picture of Dorian Gray 

4. Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka 

Totally awesome, right?? :) 

The guy at the bookstore was also cute. Just saying ;). But he looked 5 years older and about 50cm taller than me haha.. 

skfjskj. I shall write tomorrow. This has been rather fun, in a weird way..