Thursday, February 17, 2011


HOMG IT MOVES!!!!!! HOMG...i swear new discovery...IT'S ALIVE! HARHAR

Wassup! I just got a blood test about 15 minutes ago and it has been a v interesting experience. 

1. Got to see my own blood! It was in two biggish test tube vials and one smaller one. Haha I have never seen so much of my own blood ever. It was a lot darker red than I would concentrated syrupy wine or reddish Ribena. Yum! 

And that's about it really. The needle hurt as I expected but the nurse was pretty much a pro and she was just like 'jab'..wait about 10s as my blood drains out into three tubes..bandaid, done. 

The most painful injection I've had so far is gum what made it even more weird is that I personally know the dentist who did it, who is my sister's friend and daughter of the GP I mentioned yesterday, who is like a family GP. It was like: 

Checkup - Dentist: have too much gum on one of your back teeth. I'm going to cut it out right now. 

Me: ... ok 

Dentist: *pulls out really big needle* Yeah so you're going to feel a big 'pinch' alright. *injects 

Me: *suffering in silence* 

And then she injected me with a smaller needle and poked at my gum with some sort of tool and asked if I could feel it. I said yeah, kinda and so she shot me again with the big needle haha.

But yeah now they're going to do all sorts of interesting tests on my blood, such as tests for Hep B and C, igG levels? etc. Hopefully they'll say what blood type I am as well because I don't really actually know lol. 

Am going to have a driving lesson later this arvo, and I can't play Just Dance 2 because you're meant to rest your arm after tests :P. Sigh...

One of my absolute favourite parts in Hot Fuzz (didn't show the whole awesome scene though :( )

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