Sunday, February 12, 2012


 |Cool looking door|
 |Green shutters|

 |Pinching cheeks|
 |Est. in 1935. Eagle incl.|
 |Rainbow Chair|
 |Street seller|
 |Tough job|

Back! Ages ago, actually, but I had to wait for my cousin (and her camera) to return too. These photos are from our tour in some small Chinese town..ashamed to say I don't quite remember the name, but I'm guessing it's 厦门 from the album name. It's a strange and colourful mix of fob-cutesy boutiques, street food stalls, antique museums and stone paved alleyways. Oh, and there's a dismal-looking beach with Pirates-of-the-Caribbean-esque fog close to the shore, swallowing up the little green boats that dot the sea (poetic). 

Speaking of which, I really need to buy a camera of my own..with better focus too. Photos that look crisp in a 2-inch wide screen don't quite look the same in posts, which is sad. :( 

Excited for brunch tomorrow with friends, even though this Australian summer has been the most odd, incredibly random and all-over irritating one yet. Yesterday it decided to pour buckets around 2-3 in the arvo, before spraying us with heat and sunshine around 2 hours later. Yepp that's pretty much the pattern this month; so much for beach-time.. -_-

Photos #2 coming tomorrow! 

PS. Photos look way better in real size..

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