Friday, December 30, 2011


Leaving for China and HK today! 

To any chums reading this, see you soon in Jan! Going to miss quite a few people here. Sydney really is not Shitney, I quite like it. 

Leaving you with a lovely photo, since China has the Great Firewall against FB etc. Keep cool guys and stay safe! :) xx

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


So there are 11 days until Christmas and I am finally feeling just a leetle excited! Hehehe.

Methinks a major factor in this has been setting up the Christmas tree. This is said tree:

These trees hold many special memories for me. As my friends will know, from endless repetition, my favourite is probably when a certain friend was videotaped running and crashing into such a tree. Anyways so we use the same decorations, etc etc, and they include a pair of little Santas.

Over the years, my brother and I have grown to know them as the evil Santas. This will show you why:

Evil Santa #1:

Evil Santa #2:

As you can tell, E.S.#1 is significantly creepier, mainly as he lacks the normal white sclera of his eyes..

But creepy small men aside, holidays have been pretty awesome. Looking forward to imminent hanging with friends, usual catch ups, family holidays, HK (!!) etc. Etc etc eetcccc

Feeling silly and sensing a great aversion to work. Three (and many) cheers for holidays! Hurrah!

Thursday, December 1, 2011


Good holiday feeling continues. Currently listening to Coldplay. Felt random pangs of happiness today. When I was organising my Foundations notes (haha), when I was reading a friend's blog, when attempting to work out. The photo looks a bit bleak to be in this post, but hey, there's a bit of blue sky in the corner :) 

Yeah...there's a nagging feeling to start stuff now rather than later though, which is why I have reluctantly dragged myself to sort through the mountain of paper and crap on my desk. I've also been cleaning up, was rewarded by finding $3 behind my drawer (and a dead roach...yumm. I swear my room is clean now. Don't be revolted! :( ). 

Peace out! Looking forward to a pair of free boots that won't fall apart like Chinese newspaper!

Monday, November 28, 2011


Photo from

My nose is bright red. And glowing. My upper cheeks are also burnt, so all in all I look like I'm wearing a red nose plaster. Not too attractive...but nonetheless, had an awesome time at the beach today. Met new people, buried a friend and made him a sand octopus with tentacles radiating from his head, and got buried and made into a sea turtle haha. 

Other things: went home, where my mum informed me of my nose situation, opened email and hey -  

"Hi there!

Hope you're well.  I am happy to announce that you are one of the winners of Wittner's 99 pair giveaway... Congratulations!! Thank you for submitting such an amazing and creative Wittner jingle  - we'd like to give you a free pair of Wittner shoes, and better yet, of your choice!"

Hip hip hurray for new shoes! Can't remember what I wrote exactly, but I do know it ended with something like - come on ladies, wittness the Wittner magic! 

They liked my lame poem! Made for a preeetty cool least the nose suits the Christmas season coming up too.  

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Went with family to the beach yesterday evening. This is taken on my cousin's camera phone so not too bad quality haha. It was a nice kind of night, where I played chicken with my little brother as we walked deeper into the sea and convinced him that sharks might be lurking in the dark waters.

(The strange-looking sprite thing is my brother.)

Hols so far have been really quite good. It's a nice feeling being able to spontaneously plan stuff and do whatever you feel like, even if this time is limited. Usually my hols trail off and I end up incredibly bored actually wishing for school/uni and mental stimulation, but so far this hasn't happened yet. A good and bad thing I suppose. So much for studying in hols..haha..

Thumbs up for keeping motivated! More beaching is on the way. I must protect my poor pale face and shoulders; they have not forgotten schoolies sunburn :(


Thursday, November 24, 2011


Oh, for some decent weather! Been holed up inside due to sudden rain and cold weather. Sucks. Finished the Blade Trilogy, which was overall decent, although with more vampires than I would prefer, and downloaded a heap of old songs. 

What is love? Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.. what is love? Wooahhh 

Currently wearing a dark grey turtleneck and sitting in the gloomy study room. Listened to 'Titanium' by David Guetta feat. Sia. Imagined myself in a metallic futuristic outfit proclaiming that I am Titanium. And found this pic! 

Like an explosion of coolness.. 

If you look closely, the trees behind me are also in graded size, which I think is a bit creepy. 

Anyways may be thrifting on Sat. Hope to find good stuff! Kudos for miracle finds hehe :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


First: HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIE! (again). Can't wait to see you soon ya grown woman! :)

Went to friend's place yesterday for a cooking sesh, which is a bit unusual for me as I normally eat stuff you can prepare in under 1 min...i.e. mainly cereal and sandwiches haha. BUT 
Guess what?? 

My culinary companions and I decided to make pavlova; creme brulee; creamy bacon, chicken and mushroom fettucine; and an apple and berry crumble. I think the best moment was when my friend casually took out this from his cupboard:

Did not know other people besides Masterchef contestants kept a blowtorch in the kitchen. Mighty impressed. Cracking that delicious brown toffee surface with a teaspoon and gobbling down crunchy quality-blowtorched sugar fragments, before unearthing the creamy coffee-laced brulee-y goodness just topped it. Ohhh yes.

The pics aren't great quality + were taken on another's camera, but they're evidence that I participate in some kind of cooking besides putting stuff in the toaster and cutting fruit.

1. Best (and only) creme brulee I have ever tasted.
2. Our lovely turd-shaped meringues.
3. Apple and mixed berry crumble.
4. Hand-made fettucine drying on some, er, chairs.

I also have a new-found respect for those junior Masterchef kids. After that we watched 500 Days of Summer and played MarioKart, where it was proved that I am seriously an atrocious driver. Just had a driving lesson today, although I did not crash into any giant flowers with teeth or drive off any waterfalls, so perhaps there is some hope.

So bad though haha. The only thing I became good at was reversing, on account of getting stuck in so many corners and behind poles.

I may impress my friends with some improved culinary skills as well. Only time will tell. And my stomach. :)

Sunday, November 20, 2011


The bird has gone! After much deliberation, I removed it cos it looked a little blobby. Hence its short time on this page has come to an end. But it may return. feels a bit empty without some kind of little drawing/mascot type thing. 
Today is the first day of pure bumming at home. Pretty sure 3 months of this would be pretty unbearable. Here's to hoping I don't spend my hols hermitting in a hole! 

Took this after thinking that it reminded me of a hobbit hole, esp. with the grass growing all over. Although I'm pretty sure Bilbo's house was nicer than a sewage pipe. I'm sure this one was home to something though, at least a bajillion E.Coli swimming around :) 

Heppy Senday!

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Back to this blog. CPR! So far I have been: 

- Painting calendars 
- Painting single nails 
- Painting eyelids 
If you ever see this Vern, you will be pleased to know that I have not yet resorted to shirts. Hohoho :)

Anyway, exams were ghey. They will only get that single mention for this post. Thankfully, my good cousin backed up the photos I took at the Central Coast which I forgot about, so photo dump time! 

Feels good to start blogging again after most of a year or so. It's always good to get the odd view from Russia! Got a heapload of stuff to do tmw. But the stuff I want to do: 
- Watch Blade
- Paint more calendar 
- Find good recipes...oh man reminds me of Cake of Doom.
- Blog more 

Hopelessly inept with computers. Hence not sure how to make font or blog more attractive...errrghh whatevs for now. This shall do! 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


 Hurrah for posting after 3 months! I'll be posting way more during hols haha. 

One of my favourite things to stalk: 

For some reason, ups my asian pride. Perhaps it's because I too wear asian clothes (albeit at home) and er, mum's clothes (albeit in public) sometimes. 

Wore my green high waisted shorts today! My friend told me they looked like grandma pants. Whatevs, the colour is nice. 

Photo from

Hurrah for green!